Chapter 13

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🔶🔸Zambia's POV🔸🔶
Uwi Mona Campus
Wednesday, September 20th
4:12 pm

The headache starts immediately as I leave the people dem classroom and head to my dorm to prepare for a study session.

School finally started two and a half weeks ago and it had been nothing but headache and pain.

To say I am tired would be an understatement but being tired isn't the only thing causing this hell of a headache.

It has been two weeks since I have last spoken to Klaus. He texted me three days after the date asking me if I'm okay and then ghosted me.

I have tried texting him but there is only one tick on WhatsApp and he hasn't been online since he last texted me.

I have also tried calling him and it immediately goes to voicemail.

The day I left for Uwi my parents and I were sitting in the living room watching the news to only be informed that JDf has been deployed into his community.

His community has been all over the news and had to be under curfew.

I have lost count of the number of times that I have texted and called his phone to no avail only to be disappointed when it goes to voicemail.

I have been praying for him non-stop and hoping to  God that he is still alive.

School has been a major help in distracting me from worrying about him but at times my mind just can't seem to stop thinking about him.

I keep replaying the date night seeing how we were both genuinely enjoying ourselves and now he could be laying dead somewhere.

A tear falls from my eye and I quickly wipe it away. I have been shedding little tears here and there since seeing the news and I don't think I have any more to shed honestly.

I have never felt this way before oh God I hope he is doing okay.

I make my way to the library to meet with my study group to go over the lesson taught in class today. We get straight to studying and my thoughts and worries about Klaus are pushed to the back of my mind.

Dorm room
3:35 am

I hear the annoying ring of my cell phone and squeeze the power button which makes it goes silent. I position myself back into the comfortable position I was in before I was disturbed.

The person calling seems to be determined as they ring the phone again. Seeing as they have already woken me up I look at the caller I.D.and my heart skips a beat.

To the way that I am shocked and couldn't stop looking at the phone, I didn't answer it.

There is no way that Klaus is calling me at the devil's hours of the morning.

The phone rings again and once more I am met with the name Klaus.

I hesitantly answer in a whisper not sure if I want to hear the voice of the other person.

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