Chapter 72

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🔶🔸Zambia's POV🔸🔶
Friday, April 21st
9:26 am

I hurriedly pull the suitcase behind me as I walk out the doors of the hotel. The flight that I booked last night is leaving earlier than stated initially.

The Uber driver steps out of the car and takes my suitcase from me putting it in the trunk. I open the back door and get in.

Really hope I make it in time to catch the flight cause if I miss this one ,I will need to wait for seats to become available so I can leave which can take me maybe a day or two and mi waah leave right now.

The car arrives at the airport and I get out. I thank the driver and rush to the gate. I make it just in time before the doors close and I step unto the plane with my carry-on.

Finally settled in the plane seat, I let out a sigh and search through my handbag to grab my earpods.

I am not in the mood to hold any conversations with anyone. I put on Lift me up by Rihanna and it causes my emotions to scatter.

Listening to the song causes a few tears to fall from my eyes and I quickly wipe them away.

The song brings on so much emotion that I start choking on the tears that I am failing to suppress.

I lean my head on the window and bring my blanket up more to my neck.

The tears flow and I allow them. The man beside me gives me a side eye and I turn my face more to the window.

I lean forward and search for how long we have on the flight. The minute I land I am planning to see him.

He's said to be in a medically induced coma to help his brain recuperate and to also help his body heal.

Tish didn't really give me much information cause all she kept saying was to come back to Jamaica and make things right with us before anything happens and I regret not saying my piece.

So I am on my way to apologise and possibly make things right.

I am really ready to own up to the things I did and to make the relationship somehow work.

We need to have a conversation about his lifestyle and while I don't know where I stand whether I can overlook it or not.

I know one thing for sure is that I love him.

I wipe away my tears and close my eyes shut. I try to clear my mind and do the one thing I know best when I feel like all hope is lost.

I clear my head and say a prayer to God above. I don't really pray that often and I know it looks bad that now is the time I am praying but it's the only way I think that he can make it. I say the prayer internally pouring out my heart to the point where I start crying again.

I finish and take a deep breath letting it out slowly. I open my eyes and they meet with another passenger they give me a smile and nod and I return it.

I feel much better and a whole lot lighter. I just hope that he does well and will be out of the coma quickly and that we can fix what needs to be fixed.

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