Chapter 89

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🔷🔹Klaus' POV🔹🔷
2:56 pm

My phone buzzes again and I groan pulling Zambia even closer to me. Her legs tighten around mine and I pull the sheet up to my neck which swallows her.

I slightly turn just enough to allow me to silence the phone. Silence fills the room with nothing but the sound of the cold air rushing out of the air conditioning unit.

I wrap back my arms around Zambia's head and close my eyes. Praying that the deep sleep I was just in hasn't gone far away.

I slouch my shoulders and relax more into the bed. I let out a deep breath and try to clear my mind.

My phone buzzes again the second I close my eyes and I groan loudly.

Man caah ketch the slightest break

Hissing my teeth I ease Zam a bit off me and stretch towards my phone. I grip my fingers around it and pick it up, slide the answer icon and place it at my ear.

"Yeah" My voice comes out tired and sleepy.

"Yuh need fi come down a Andrews Hospital dwaag". A voice that I haven't heard in months comes through the phone and I lift my back completely off the bed in shock.

"B... Bulla?" I question in confusion and utter surprise.

"Bredda, it nuh look gud, hurry up and come dung a Andrew's," He says his voice low and concerning. He ends the call and I remove the phone from my ears looking at it in shock.

All at once a sea of emotions flush me. Shock, confusion, happiness, worry and so many others consume me.

I lean my head against the headboard behind me. Processing everything, this is just happening so fast and I am not getting the time to fully process each emotion because they all happen so suddenly after each other.

I press the power button on my phone and dial Jaylen's number. It goes to voice mail and confusion masks my face.

I try again and the same thing happens. This is so unlike him.

Man like him always have them phone inna them hand. Phone eva charge and reliable.

I play back Bulla's words in my head. I lazily pull myself from Zambia's hold and out of the bed.

She opens her eyes and her droopy eyes stare at me as I stretch out the laziness and fatigue I am feeling.

"Where are you going?" She asks sleepily pulling the sheets even more up her to the point that only from her eyes up is visible.

I shrug answering her question
"I got a call to go to Andrew's so I am going"

She raises her eyebrows before yarning causing me to yarn as well.

"Do you want me to come along?" She asks and I shrug.

She rolls her eyes and pulls the sheet off her getting out of bed.

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