Chapter 79

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🔶🔸Zambia's POV🔸🔶
Thursday, June 1st
10:34 am

They lift him into a standing position and I hold my breath as I watch him lift a leg.

"Yuh sure you want to do this?" I ask him for the tenth time.

"Yes, Zam mi good just watch" he replies and I nod.

He just doesn't like the word no and wants to prove everyone wrong. He has been pushing himself and his body probably more than it can manage and if he's not careful it might shut down on him.

I fold my arms rubbing my fingers up and down them. Anxiety is eating me alive.

They put him back down in the chair and instruct him to stand on his own. I know he can stand with support since he hired this new physical therapist but I just feel like they are going too hard.

I tap my leg against the tiles to ease some of the anxiety I am feeling. He leans forward to stand and holds onto the railing beside him.

Immediately he is instructed to remove his hand. I watch his face morph into discomfort when he eases himself out of the chair unbalanced.

I keep my mouth shut despite wanting to tell him to just sit and try it another day. But I have learnt my lesson from the last time I opened my mouth.

He stands and a smile replaces my once-worried look.

"Yuh think yuh can mek a couple step without help?" His therapist asks and he nods and again my worry settles in.

He shuffles and almost falls and my heart moves up into my mouth.

He straightens himself sweat rolling down his face.

He lifts his feet a few centimetres off the floor and takes a step. He wobbles a bit but regains back his balance.

I step back more and he takes another step. He lifts his head with a bright smile on his flawless face.

He takes another step in my direction and a few more stumbling and wobbling here and there.

I take a step forward and was instructed to step back more. With each step he takes I take two more.

I laugh as his steps look like a baby just taking its first couple of steps.

He finally reaches me and pulls me into a big hug.

"Know yuh think mi rough and a push him too much, but it was the only way to get him walking in the short time that I have gotten him tuh," his therapist says to me as I pack way his things while he takes a shower.

"Know mi can get him walking by next week and I will make sure it happens suh just gwaan like mi until then" he laughs and I join.

"I never said I didn't like you," I say and he stops.

"Yuh face says a lot even when yuh mouth says nothing" he smiles and I return it.

"Suh tomorrow yuh face nah go bex when mi a push him hard?" He asks with a smile.

"Don't have to worry, I won't be here tomorrow" I reply as I put Klaus's bottle in the side of his bag.

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