Chapter 34

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🔶🔸Zambia's POV 🔸🔶
Wednesday, December 6th
6:15 am

The chilly morning air greets me as I pull the front door open, the chilly air forcing me to hug my cup of hot chocolate tea a bit tighter and hurry myself to my car.

I turn on the heat in the car and relax as I sip the cup of tea that Klaus made me this morning.

It is weird to have to even turn on the heat in the car seeing as I live on a tropical island, but the air has gotten so cold that sometimes I even want to wear my jacket throughout the entire day.

I pull out of the yard and drive down the steep hills of Jack's Hill into the bustling streets of Kingston.

I am on my way to my aunt's medical practice to help her plus get extra knowledge. It is the second week of December which gives me my little break from UWI's torture.

I pull into the parking space of my aunt's upscale medical practice and exit the car. I make my way inside greeting Laren the nurse that sits at the front desk.  I knock on my aunt's door and enter after getting the okay to do so.

There sits a mirroring image of my mother, a dark-skinned round shape face woman with the world's biggest smile.

Reminding me of what mommy was once like.

She rushes over to me crushing me into a big tight hug.

"Zambia darling, I haven't seen you in a while" her British accent is still thick even though she left there and has lived in Jamaica permanently for the last 8 years.

"It is nice to see you aunty how are you?"

She looks me up and down scanning me for any unhappiness.

Something she does every time she sees me knowing how mommy has also brought me to one of my lowest points in life during my teenage years.

"I am fine darling, happy to see my only child" she laughs as she holds me at arm's length.

Aunty Julliet sees me as her child as she is unable to have children.

She pulls me along with her as she gives me a tour of the office as if I haven't seen it a thousand times already.

She introduces me to her new added employees who are the loveliest set of people.

She assigns me to one of the new doctors, Doctor Morgan who is an absolute sweetheart.

She is a young, dark-skinned doctor with an oval face complimented by her almond-shaped eyes and thick 4a hair.

She is patient and makes sure that I understand what she is doing and how to use tricks to diagnose patients that which will help in the oral parts of my exams.

"It gets easier as you practice more Zambia eventually it will become muscle memory you will do it without even noticing" Doctor Morgan concludes as we pack up our things to leave the office.

Today was an eventful day and I can't wait to tell Klaus all about it.


🔷🔹Klaus' POV🔹🔷

I pull my gun from my waist and swiftly tuck it in a compartment underneath the mat before pulling out of the shopping mall. I came here to drop Kalyani off at the shopping mall with her friends.

I slow the van down as a familiar police officer steps out into the road with the speedometer.

I hiss as he signals me to pull over.

I comply and pull over stopping directly behind his car. He walks up to the window and as he notices that it is me a smirk raises on his face.

"Good day, license and registration please" he extends his hand to me.

I move over to the glove compartment and retrieve the documents needed by him. He takes them looking them over. An unpleased look washes over his face when he notices that there is nothing, he can charge me for.

He looks over the documents again and again only gaining a big grin from me.

"Officer is everything good" he lifts his head his eyes meeting my smile which pisses him off.

"Step out of the car Mr. Simmons" Typical Samuels always digging and looking for something only to come up with nothing.

"For what reason Mr. Samuels" my grin only widening as I watch how upset he looks.

"I am not going to repeat myself Mr. Simmons step out of the vehicle"

As to not escalate the situation I step out of the van, and he immediately starts searching as his partner watches me.

I am no way near worried about him planting anything as there are cameras all over the car and I will know if he does. Plus, despite everything, he is a good police officer just doing his job which is to clean up the streets of Jamaica from people like me.

He hisses his teeth and tells me to have a nice day as he walks back to his car failure dripping off him like the sweat beaming on his forehead.

I shake my head chuckling as I pull out and into the traffic heading to downtown Kingston.

Bulla has been ringing my phone non-stop but I haven't had the time to properly speak to him as most of my time is now occupied by Zambia.

She is slowly becoming something that I never wanted her to become which is my weakness.

I pull into the garage of the courthouse and make my way inside. I walk to my office where I see Bulla impatiently waiting.

Without even giving me a chance to get settled he speaks

"Dem find shottaz," he says excitedly.

"Yeah man dem find him a hide weh a Trelawny one a the man dem go visit dem woman family and see him but he nuh know seh wi know seh him deh a Trelawny" I take a seat, taking time to process everything he told me.


Dat mek sense still closed weh, far from town and bushy can hide and people caah find yuh especially if yuh know the place good.

"Weh a the plan boss, cause wi affi move quick caah mek him know we ago fly him bat" Bulla leans on the desk saying.

It just feels off, nuh man caah a hide from town man and gone a country and mek man dem neva see inna the community dem a hide out inna spot dem.

We nuh know Trelawny at all and going into a community weh the road probably not even a road plus the place bushy is not a good idea.

Might go fi the intention fi fly Shottaz's bat and a fi wi bat get fly.

"Mi nuh like how it stay Bulla" I voice my opinion and confusion settles on his face

"It just sticky wi nuh know country and if we go fi him wi a go blindsided and mi one hundred per cent sure seh him know wi a come fi him"

Bulla nods his head picking up on exactly what I am saying.

Of course mi waah fi ketch Shottaz it's just dat mi caah go fi ketch him and him ketch mi.


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