Brother blood part 2

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The next day.

The teams at a local bowling alley getting some free time to spend together.

Kory making a strike.

Dick whistles. "Do they have bowling on Tamara?"

"Nope. This kind of talent just comes naturally." She giggles.

"Where are the kids?" Dick asks

"They're over there playing games. It's good to see them be kids. They deserve it."

"So do we.. Speaking of which.. They have a nice sceneries here. Would you want to go out tomorrow night and look at them?" Dick asking Kory out

"Dick Grayson, are you asking me out?"

"Maybe." He jokes bowling a strike himself.

"Wow. I don't think I can say no to a man I'm tied with."

"That settles it then?" He smiles

"It's a date."

Gar and Conner are using a pinball machine and Rachel walks over.

"Having fun?" She asks

"Hey there. Wanna play?" Gar asks

"I don't know the game."

"Well, you didn't last time either and yet you still found a way." He winked and moved over and let her try.

"With your help I did."

They played and felt like old times again.

A bystander was watching and took pictures then left the building.

They walked to the abandoned church Sebastian was in last night. It was a follower of Brother blood returning with pictures of Raven.

"They seem comfortable." The follower said

"I'll take care of him." Brother blood confidently stated

With his own abilities he cursed Beast boys rest with nightmares.

Later that night

Gar in his bed tossing and turning. He would dream of his parents waving at him then watch them crumble. He would dream of being with rachel then turning into a tiger that would kill her.

He kept it to himself but he was confused why he had these dreams. Did they mean anything. Was it video games, fear etc

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