Some time alone p.2

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Gar and Rachel make breakfast for the family as Don and Aleena come to the table sleepy and still in pajamas.

Breakfast was ready and they sat at the dining table together to enjoy.

"Report cards today. Remember, I want to see them tonight." Rachel says before they run to get changed.

Rachel is cleaning the high table and emptying the dishes into the dish washer while Gar plays with Darren. He's a kid himself at heart and in the mind.

Rachel stops to look at a picture of them on the display of memories of their wedding day. She misses those days. When it was just them two.

"Gar. Did you need to go away for the weekend?" Rachel asked

"No. Remember, I told them im taking time off of the show to be with you and the kids." He says as he still continues to act silly with Darren

"Well, maybe we can get a sitter for the kids this weekend. And we can go somewhere." She offers

"Really, mama?" Him surprised that she is making the plans

"Yea. We have no time together. If it's not work, it's kids, if it's not that, it's the world ending.. " He walks up to her and embraces her" so we need it"

They leave a small slow kiss on each others' lips. Gar holds her closer.

"Bye mom, bye da-Ew." Don walks by.

Gar laughs and Aleena walks by in skinny jeans and a half top "bye!" She tries to slide without them seeing her

"Stop there." Gar says before walking toward the door way. "What are you wearing?"

"Clothes?" Aleena sasses

"Barely." He sasses back.

"Gar." Rachel nudges


"I wore clothes like that at her age...I still do." She shrugs

"Yes, because you're an adult... and I like it.." He then points to His daughter "you, however. Not having it. Go find something else."

"I literally wear shirts like this all the time."

"Yea when you have pants that don't go below the belly button. Now, please go and change before you make you and your brother late to school"

She huffs and goes to change.

He looks at Raven who is cocking a brow and arms crossed.

"Look at me like that, Mama." Gar eyeing her

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