what is going on?

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To tharns bed, type and him were kissing and hard, for type to then wrap his arms about his neck to move his head back to look over him with lust, tharn raised an eye brow, for type to take in a deep breathe to slowly move up to just place his mouth to tharns, knowing that closed lip kisses were for his brother, but didn't seem to care.
Tharn widened his eyes to then slowly close them to give it right back to type, to move his mouth off of his to go to his neck to kiss, type placed his hands to tharns head to grip at his hair to moan in bliss to turn his head slightly to widen his eyes to what he saw.
Tubla standing before the door, chin quivering, tears going down his face like mad.
Type parted his lips to start to breathe heavily.
"Your my brother type! My twin brother, how could you!"
Types whole body shuttered for him to then open his eyes to breathe rapidly to dart his eyes about a slight darkened room to his side to then get slowly up to eye the back of tharns door to shake here and there has that dream was still to his mind.
Type closed his eyes to still shake to take in long deep breathes, to turn to sit, to bring up his legs to his chest to wrap his arms about to look forward to shake his head. He then peered his eyes down to tharn who was still asleep to his side.
Type flexed his jaw to then look forward.
Type then couldn't help but to shake a bit has that dream crept back into his mind, tharn feeling the bed Shake came out his sleep to then slowly look to type with very tired eyes.
"Mm type?"
Type tensed but didn't say anything.
Tharn went to his back to place a hand to his eye to rub to then yawn.
Type gritted his teeth to then move his legs and arms about to then get off the bed to stand to the side looking down trying to find his clothes, tharn moved up to his side to look over type a bit confused.
"Type? What's going on?"
"I'm.... Going home."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then look to his clock to see what time it was to then look over type has he stepped forward to move quick to grab type by his wrist.
"What? Why? It's 230 in the morning."
Type turned his head to eye over the clock to then look down .
"Doesn't matter. I need to go home."
Tharn looked to the action of holding onto types wrist to then pull type to him to move and quick to sit to the edge to place type on him to wrap his arms about.
Type a hard face to keep looking forward.
"Tharn.... Let go."
Tharn held type tighter.
"Not until you tell me why your trying to leave this early."
"I just do okay, either let me go or I'll be loud enough for your mother!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then have something he watched go through his mind, type widened his eyes has tharn moved them about, for type to be to his stomach, arms behind him, for tharn to be sitting on him, to have a free hand over types mouth for him to turn his head to look up.
"Really now?"
Type narrowed his eyes to then groan, he laid his cheek flat on the bed to hate he was very much hard at this moment, tharn taking lead and being actually dominate was turning him on.
Tharn looked over type has he could feel him tense..
"Type.....I really want to know what is going on. Why are you trying to leave so early? Doesn't make sense."
Type looked back to tharn to then eye his hand.
"If I take my hand away are you going to try and wake my mother?"
Type darted his eyes over tharn to shake his head.
"Okay.....I trust you type."
Types eyes widened for tharn to take his hand away to also take his hand from types arms to move back a bit to wrap his arms about himself to continue to look down, type kept his eyes to tharn.
"So..... Why are you trying to....."
"Tharn! Fuck me!" Type interrupted.
Tharns lips parted.
Type rolled his eyes to turn to move his hands to tharns head to pull him down to instantly placed his tongue in for them to swirl them about the others, tharn kept his eyes to type to be highly confused, he didn't understand what was happening.
Type then bent his legs to either side of tharns body to keep licking at his tongue to move a free hand down to grab tharns cock to slowly insert to wince here and there, no lube meant pain, but after that dream type welcomed it.
Tharn couldn't help but to melt when he was deep inside of a very tight and hot type to thrust, he couldn't help himself.
Type whimpered here and there because of the pain to place his free arm up to wrap it about tharms neck with his other to go up and down with the friction.
After, type was to his stomach arms under his head to have his eyes slightly closed to sign here and there, tharn was to his back to look up to turn his head to eye over type.
Type closed his eyes.
"Go to sleep tharn."
Tharn moved up to eye over type.
"Type.....I want to know what is going on? Why are you acting like this?"
Type made a very hard face, tharn rolled his eyes to move back down to look to the ceiling.
"Fine.... Your cut off then."
Type popped his eyes opened to then move up on his arms to look to tharn.
"Excuse me?"
Tharn looked to type.
"Unless you tell me what's going on, no more you using me."
Type made a hard face to look down.
"I didn't mean to.....ugh..... Just had a... Bad dream okay!"
Type moved back down to turn his head to eye the wall, tharn turned to wrap his arm about.
"Tharn..... I'm really tired. "
"Mm so was I before, so please tell me."
"It's nothing."
"How you're acting no it's not nothing. Please tell me."
Type signed.
"Just.....dreamt about us then.....tubla was there and....I don't really want to talk about it."
Tharns eyes widened to then place his head to tyes back to sign.
"I've had those dreams too. I'm sorry type."
Type gritted his teeth.
Tharn looked up.
"Don't..... Apologize for..... Damnit tharn.... Fuck me again."
Tharn moved off to sign.
"Type, every time you feel an emotion does not mean we need to...."
Type turned his head to look to tharn.
"Make...... Love too me."
Tharns lips parted to make a hard face has he looked to type to move about to place himself into position.
"That.... Wasent fair...."
Type tensed has he felt tharn go in to place his forehead to the bed.
"Evil.... Twin.... Remember....."
Tharn rolled his eyes has he went in and out.
"You are not."
Type whimpered has he was being pentrated without lube again to welcome the pain thinking he fully deserved it.

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