learning a lot

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To his side, type looked up at tharn who sat criss cross to the side of him, had a blanket to his lower, to be eyeing down with a sullen face.
"Before I tell you, type we need to take you to the hospital."
Type took in a deep breathe.
"Sure with the towel you placed there, I'm fine. Talk tharn."
Tharn took in a very deep breathe.
"After I left your home that day, I.... Was beside myself, was not thinking rationality."
The past
Tharn went inside his house, to make a hard face to turn to take off his shoes to then sign has he heard his mother behind him.
"Tharn? Your home early."
His mother raised her eye brow.
"Did.... Something happen?"
"I don't really want to talk about it."
"Tharn.....I have and are very...... Understanding with your current situation and....."
Tharn balled his hands into fists to either side of himself to turn to look over his mother in anger.
"Oh? You understand?! No your a homophobic bitch, who has no idea my current situation and...."
Tharns head with to the side has his mother went to him to slap him and hard against his face to look over him breathing heavily.
"How dare you say that to me! I am your mother!"
Tharn moved up his hand to place it to his cheek to rub.
He then took his hand down to really look over her.
"You are barely a mother you.......cunt!"
Tharns mother widened her eyes to then slap him again harder against his cheek to really look over him.
"That's it! You have no right to act like this with me! I think it's because your gay and with that boyfriend of yours and his bad influence brother! I will not stand for it! Go up stairs and pack now!"
Tharn looked over his mother in horror.
She then went to tharn to place her hand to his pocket to grab his phone to then smash it. Tharn looked over it to start to shake.
"I've had enough of your so called life style tharn! I know exactly where I am going to take you to rid of your sin!"
Tharn winced has his mother placed her fingers to his ear to grip to then take him upstairs.
Type widened his eyes to look over tharn.
"Your mom.... Took you to a..... commune?"
Tharn nodded.
"I couldn't get away until I was 21."
"Then..... Why did you still not contact me or tubla?"
Tharn signed.
"I was ashamed type. Also when I left my mother, I literally had nothing, had to with myself up."
"Why.... Did you go into the current job you have and not into something with swimming?"
"I..... Love swimming type, however after what I went through with my mother, I wanted to help other children in my position, I have helped a lot, you saw one of those children when I went to your dojo."
"The..... Kid isn't yours?"
Tharn turned his head to look to type.
"Ever since what happened between us, I've been celibate. That's been my......"
Type signed to look down to then move to his back to look to the ceiling.
"Your mother really was a bitch.'
"That she was...... So..... You went to talk to tubla? How long had it been since....."
"8 years. It was because of you tharn."
Tharn Darted his eyes over type to take in a deep breathe.
"Who..... Is that one guy ive been seeing you with?"
Type rolled his eyes.
"Just....a little thing I have going on, nothing more. Have not been in a relationship since....."
Tharn then moved down to place his hand to his head to look over type.
"Mm..... Then there comes another question, you were so very tight, was not loose at all..... So..... What have You've both been....."
Type furrowed his brow to then turn his head.
"That's not appropriate for you to ask."
Tharn then placed his hand to types bare chest to continue to look to him.
"Didn't use a condom here type."
"Who's fault is that! Did tell you no."
Tharn peered his eyes down.
"Yes.... You did but....."
Type signed to then look back at the ceiling.
"I..... Haven't had sex since you okay."
Tharn raised an eye brow..
"But you have...."
"I've...... Done other things with other people tharn, with...... My clothes on." He mumbled the end.
Tharn widened his eyes.
Type then moved up to push tharn away has he sat up a bit to look at him in anger.
"I didn't ever want to get close to another person again after what I went through with you! Now take me to the hospital, so after I dont have to be anywhere near you!"
Type started to try and get off the bed for him to then be pushed down to his stomach to then wince, tharn was to his back to have his hands to his wrists to place his hands to either side of his head to look down at him.
"We are not going to do this type! We're not 16 anymore, we are talking."
"I've heard enough. You still could have tried harder to come and try to talk to me or my brother tharn, you didn't! Just get off!"
Tharn signed.
"Even though we are 24, you still act the same has you did when we were 16."
Tharn then moved down to place his mouth to the back of his neck to start to kiss.
Type balled his hands into fists to either side of his head to melt a bit by that action.
Type took in very deep breathes to groan a bit, he had gotten hard again, been that way since he heard that story where tharn actually stepped up to his mother and used bad language, it all still turned type on.
"Nn.... Tharn...."
"Don't worry type, I am not going further then this...."
Types Lips parted to then start to thrash a bit to then turn to place his hands to tharns neck to bring him down a bit.
"You are not going to stop here!"
Type took his other hand down to try to connect them for tharn to place his hand to his wrist to bring it up.
"Type, your bleeding."
"Sure I've stopped."
"There is a store in this hotel, sure they have lube, go!"
Tharns eyes narrowed.
Type rolled his eyes.
Tharn signed to get up to get dressed to go and do just that, type sat up to wince a bit from down below to make a face.
What in the hell am I thinking?
Type shook his head to then get up to look about to then eye the towel that had a bit of blood to grab to throw it to the side to then start to place on his clothes to then turn his head to widen his eyes.
Tharn came back in record time, with a bag to raise his eye brow to then rush to type to then push him to the bed.

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