62- Disgrace

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My heart desires expiation from love because loving you left me with nothing...

I stumbled and was about to fall but Lucien held me and Roy broke the LED, yelling for it to be stopped with tears streaming down his face, gaining more attention than the video itself.

I began to lose my breath, I could feel the stares of people at me, whispering about me.


Roy was screaming with tears glistening on his face, trembling violently, breaking into a sob, astonishing everyone to watch the unbreakable shattered.


He screamed, wailing badly with tears streaming down his face without any intention of stopping.

".. Please!!"

Lowering his head and sobbing loudly, pulling his hair for what he ended up doing in spur of jealousy and probably provocation.

My heart stopped, my legs lost their strength, I was left ashamed in front of everyone. I belittle Roy's words but he fell to the deepest depth of being low just to take revenge from me.

I was disgraced.

"It was her. How did this happen and why is Mr Layne sobbing?"

The looks of people, repugnance filled me and I felt like my life has been sucked out of me. Silent tears rolled down my cheek as my heart was torn to a million pieces.

"I told you Roy is incurable. He is still the kid who used to cry under the bed and he will remain there forever, Garnet. Take a closer look."

Sniffling, I looked and saw him gaining attention, unable to look at anyone while crying in the middle after he blasted the screen, shaking from the realization that he lost me at this point.

Lucien wrapped his arms protectively around me, helping me to stand but I was too stunned, not being able to react.

"I.. lost." I whispered apprehensively, turning to Lucien. Frozen in disappointment. Everything was shattered.

"Watch how far your beloved could go when it's too late." He whispered and Roy made it stop but it was too late.

I cling onto him and bury my face in his chest, Letting out silent sobs, clinging onto Lucien. He held me close, the whispers echoed and stirred my mind drastically in dread and extreme consternation.

"Garnet.. ? Garnet.. I.. I.."

Roy whispered hopelessly, trying to collect aching words, turning to me, holding his hand out to me but I put my hand in between to stop him.

The series of whispers and rumors came and then Roy came out with a horrified look over his face. My grip on Lucien tightened as regret was written all over his face but he was too late.

Your remorse cannot bring back my lost dignity.

"Garnet, listen to me... Please..."

His voice slumped in woe. I gave him a look of immense heartbreak and betrayal. My heart was shattered to pieces by the person I loved.

"I... didn't... Mean... It was... Not... my.."

I was so foolish to love someone low like him and let myself be degraded here, to let this happen to me.

I wish I never loved him so that none of it could have happened.

Not being able to bear this tribulation, I turned my head away. He gave me a vast ocean of grief and distress already.

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