Meet and greet - Rock x male gothic metalhead! reader

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Requested by: Huckleberry-hounds
Setting: A meet and greet

You stood in line, nervously fidgeting with the gift in your hands. It's a new case for Rock's guitar, something you had spent hours picking out. As ended up becoming closer to the front of the line, your heart pounds in your chest.

Finally, it's your turn. You stepped forward and locked eyes with Rock. He flashed you a warm smile, his rockstar charm shining through. You can feel your cheeks flush as you handed him the gift, wrapped in a beautifully decorated box.

Rock took the box and carefully unwrapped it, revealing the guitar case inside. His eyes widened with surprise, and he looked genuinely touched. He signed  the wrapping paper with his autograph, making it a cherished keepsake for you. "Thanks for this, it's awesome!"

You managed to stammer out a response, "I... I thought it would be helpful for your shows." Your words came out softer than you intended, but Rock heard you loud and clear.

He looked at you intently, taking in your gothic metal style. "You've got a killer taste, I must say," The words caught you off guard, and you couldn't  help but feel a surge of confidence.

You blush even more, feeling your face burn. "Th-thank you." The atmosphere between you two felt charged with an unspoken connection.

Then, Rock reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive. He handed it to you, with a secretive smile. "Here's something special for you."

Your heart skipped a beat as you took the flash drive, realizing it contained his latest song. You could hardly contain your excitement, but you manage to maintain your composure. "Thank you, Rock. I can't wait to listen to it."

Rock grins, his smile widening. "I hope you enjoy it. Maybe we can talk about it sometime."

You nod eagerly, your heart pounding in your chest. "I'd love that," You responded, a smile spreading across your face.

As you left the meet-and-greet area, clutching the gift wrapper he signed and the flash drive, you couldn't help but feel butterflies. Maybe, just maybe, this encounter could be the start of something extraordinary.

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