Sharks - Justin x male!reader

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Requested by: Eras-mud
Setting: TDI - The second episode (I think)

The challenge began, and one by one, your team in the Screaming Gophers took turns leaping off the cliff into the water below. When it was your turn, your nerves got the best of you, and fear almost took over. With a deep breath, you finally took the leap, but your jump lacked confidence, causing you to tumble awkwardly into the water.

You struggled to swim to the surface and you panicked because you were struggling to stay afloat. The other contestants watched in shock, unsure of what to do.

Justin, however, sprang into action, knowing full well he can charm the sharks into doing anything since he was drop dead gorgeous. He knew if he were to drown too, the sharks would save him. He was basically like a mermaid, except he isn't.

Justin swam into the shark infested water, taking your hand, helping you stay afloat.

"Hold on." He told you, swimming back to shore. He made sure to keep you safe and watch over you.

The sharks came by ready to attack, but once they saw Justin was with you, they were swooned by his presence then lifted both you and Justin up onto their backs. You stared at the Shark's fins in disbelief. This was surreal.

"What the fu-"

Justin chuckled, interrupting you. "It's alright, man. I'm used to it."

The sharks led you and Justin back to shore and you quickly walked away as fast as you could from the water, with Justin trailing behind.

"Thank you." You whispered, knowing Justin literally saved your life.

Justin shrugged them gave you a wink, "Anything for a handsome man like you."

You blushed, feeling your crush on Justin intensifying. This was something you knew you'd definitely never forget.

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