Chapter 32 - The family's desire

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-…… When the old sun sets and the second cold moon rises, Deneb and Altair will turn to Spica, and the chosen wing will raise the eternal sun.

The metaphor was not as difficult as this verse, so a clear interpretation was possible. It is said that the old sun meant the end of a thousand years, the moon rises after the sun sets, and the ‘second cold moon’ rises, so the old sun is also the second sun to rise. In other words, it is a metaphor for what is happening in Logos, which has a history of 2,000 years.

And Deneb was the star of Cygnus, known as the patron sign of the Santella family, Altair was the star of Sagittarius, the patron sign of the Luave family, and Spica was the star of Virgo, meaning queen.

This meant that at the 2,000-year-old Logos, the Santella and Luave families would fight for the throne, and in the end only one family would survive and rule the new era of Logos forever.

It was not known which house would win, but Liddell knew that the moment she understood the meaning of this verse at the age of seven, she decided that she would become the queen of the country. And for Liddell to become queen, it was the dream of the Santella family. Of course, only a small part of the people of the Santella family knew about the dream, but it was only a matter of time before everyone would know it as the ‘2000 years of the founding of Logos’ as mentioned in the scriptures and prophecies soon arrived.

She has been patient for a long time, she has been preparing for a long time. When she becomes queen, she won’t have to bow to anyone, and everyone will kneel before her. Liddell thought it was the right fit for her.

“It’s good. You worked hard.”

“Sister Liddell has worked hard for a long time. The scriptures will start printing next week, and they will be available for sale in two months.”

“Well…… The printing of this revised edition will be an important event in the history of Limon, so we will distribute 5,000 copies free of charge to the members of the Santella family.”

“Oh, Sister. Such kind words. Even the Creator Lana will be pleased with your faithful heart.”

The two exchanged smiles full of meaning and headed for the temple’s chapel, where there was no one there.

“Ah, Priest. There is something I have been curious about for a long time.”

“Yes, tell me.”

“The Queen of the Logos Kingdom is endowed with the power to subdue angels and devils, but as generations passed, that power weakened, and in the current queen Fabian Ardenia, even calling it power was embarrassing. If so, will the power of the ‘new master’ weaken over the generations even after she enters a new era?”

“It’s certainly hard to nail down. The scriptures clearly said that it would make the ‘eternal’ sun rise, so it can also be seen that the power of the family will last forever.”

“I think interpreting the scriptures is always a headache. Of course, it is a future that cannot be easily understood by anyone, but it is always frustrating to see a metaphor that only the person who wrote it can recognize.”

“But what is certain is that the words of the scriptures are not just metaphors. Just look at the fact that, around the second millennium of the kingdom, the queen’s power is weakening and her successor is not born.”

“Well, it is.”

Liddell smiled brightly.

The Queen kept it a secret from the people, but this time the Queen was very weak in her powers. Even a few generations ago, the Queen’s power was a force that could be felt by all the people of the Logos. According to the records, it was a powerful force not only to subdue people and make them obey, but also to overpower the magical powers of both Duchies.

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