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I found my Grandma on the floor I quickly called the ambulance they came and laid her out on  the stretcher it didn't take long for us to be at the hospital I was so worried about her how she slipped and fell in the kitchen.

I called Lloyd told him what happened it didn't take long for him to pull up once I saw him come inside I ran to him and cried on his chest. "She fell I don't know how I hope she's okay they won't tell me anything"

"I'm sure she's fine let's go take a seat" we sat down I lean my head on his shoulder as I shook my leg.

The doctor Finally came
They told us she's okay just a broken leg but I'll heal. "Thank you so much is there a way I can see her".

"Of course" we walk to her room. I ran to her hugging her. "Grandma I was so worried about you are you okay".

"Oh Chile I'm fine I just fell that's all"

"How tho?"

"Well I poured some grease in the pan some drop on the floor I forgot to clean it up I walk over that spot".

"Aw no you can't forget stuff like that".

"Ya know I'm old"

"Grandma you young okay I hate when you say that" we both laughed.

"Who is that young handsome man?" Grandma said as she lean over getting a good view of Lloyd.

"Oh Lloyd he's my boyfriend Gina brother Lloyd this my grandma Katherine "

He shook her hand. "Nice to meet you ma'am wow Trina I see where you get your good looks "

"Awe you so sweet I like him".

"Me too that's why I'm with him".

"You want anything miss Katherine?"

"Actually I am hungry"

"Okay we gonna go find you something we'll be right back"

"Okay be safe out there" we left out the room.

I felt so much better knowing my grandma is better. "What do she eat?" 

"She's More of a Chicken girl but we can get her a sub sandwich".

~ Days later

I sat in the back of the class sleep I was tired from being up all night with Lloyd.

Some days I was like this it affected my learning time in class but when it came to my tests I made a good grade.

The bell ringed I walked out met up Lloyd by the door I kissed him. "Miss me?"

"Always" I smiled but my smile soon faded away once I saw Donald with Monica I rolled my eyes grabbed Lloyd hand. "Aye Lloyd can I talk to you for a sec?"

Lloyd turn around "yea"

"Actually we gotta go" I quickly say pulling his hand. "damn baby why you grabbing me like that what the hell going on ?"


"Then let me talk to him" I let go let him talk to him as I folded my arms.

Looking at the two talk they were talking for the longest until the bell ringed he came back. "What he wanted?"

"He was telling me how he doesn't want any bad blood between us he moved on wants to be friends he also invited me over his crib to vibe to some music this weekend".

"Oh really"

"Yes hey I catch up with you later" he kissed my cheek going to class.

I couldn't wait to get a hold to donlad he knows what the hell he's doing .

"Whatever you doing is going to get you fucked up if you ever think about trying him don't you know he's in the gang" I told Donald over the phone as I laid in bed.

He laughs. "Girl don't nobody care fuck telling him about us I ain't worried about that anymore I want to be cool with him I realize your ass is the problem you you just a hoe that lives to fuck around with two niggas " .


"Else what?..... thought so" he hanged up.

I found that so strange of him trying to be cool with my boyfriend knowing damn well he's my ex how you feel comfortable doing that.

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