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"Thanks for coming back" Gina says as she gave me a hug.

" Do you know where he is ?" I question  as she lets go and shook her head. "He hasn't been home in three days mom said".

"Oh my god" I mumbled.

Wherever he is I hope he's okay this is not like the Lloyd I know he's the type that'll come back not out all day without coming back home.

I walked back and forth biting on my bottom lip. La'mar sat down with his hand on his chin thinking where he could be.

"Maybe he's with dooky?"

"Right-" I went and grabbed the phone and called him.

He picked up. "Hello?"

"Dooky have you seen Lloyd?".

"Nah not in three days is everything okay?"

"No I'm worried, do you have any idea where he could be?"

"I do but right now he's been laid back not going out like that since Tyree people are coming after us".

I swear sometimes I blame myself for this shit I should've never went to that club!.

"I'm on my way over there" he says within 30 minutes he came over banging on the door Gina rushed to the door and answered.

"I know where Lloyd is".

"Where" I said as la'mar and I quickly got up.

"England wood where Tyree folks at c'mon " we got inside his car he quickly drive off driving fown the road fast.

My heart was racing my mind was everywhere I had so many thoughts running to my head.

Gina saw how worried I was she rubs my back. "Everything gonna be okay".


"Aye la'mar reached in there hand me my gun"


"Yes nigga that was I just said". He reached inside his glove department and handed his gun.

"Y'all stay in here while we go inside this motherfucker ".

"Hell naw nigga I'm coming inside to say my brother ".

"Me too that's my baby daddy" I added as Gina smiled.

"Ight bet" we all got out the car and creeped around the back of the house. As I looked inside the window I saw Lloyd tied up inside a chair while niggas were around sitting at a table playing cards.

I damn near scared.

We went to back door Gina and I stood back while dooky and la'mar knocked down the door.

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