What's in Store for 2024 - 1/2/24

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Hello and happy new year!

Okay so 2023 was a sloppy mess

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Okay so 2023 was a sloppy mess. I mean overall it wasn't a bad year per se, though I had some really rough patches medically (I'm doing great now btw so no worries there). It's just that things got knocked out of sorts around the start of the summer and my reliability was trash. However I can now explain what the heck was going on last year that made me utterly incapable of posting consistently.

Around the beginning of last summer, I had an opportunity to pitch a new story idea to Wattpad for their Wattpad Originals program

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Around the beginning of last summer, I had an opportunity to pitch a new story idea to Wattpad for their Wattpad Originals program. It was something I'd been rolling around in my head for awhile and seemed to fit the kind of story they were looking for. And it kind of was, but not really. Fortunately, the staff member I was working with believed in my vision and talent. Together we worked throughout the summer refining the idea and creating a sample of chapters to move on to the next step. Those chapters looked really different from that first chapter I pitched, but the general plot direction and characters remained.

Around my birthday at the beginning of October, I found out that my pitch was accepted and Wattpad would be acquiring it for the Wattpad Originals program. After that, things were a whirlwind. I had a few meetings, mainly with my editor at Wattpad, and began work on preparing for a launch date at the end of February. I didn't really start writing at full speed until around Halloween and I needed to complete 20 more chapters before the end of the year. With the death of my grandmother and my trip out of state to attend her funeral, my efforts were hampered, but I pressed on. It just meant other projects were going to have to fall to the wayside.

Fortunately, I finished the first drafts of all those chapters before Christmas and was able to take a little over a week off to clear my head. Now that we're past the holidays and into the new year, I'm back to work, focusing on the feedback my editor sent so I can revise and polish all the chapters before my trip to Disney at the end of the month. Wish me luck with that because I'm going to need it.

Anyway, that's what's been happening. A lot of stuff behind the scenes that I didn't know if I could talk about or how much I could say. But now I'm through the holidays and ready to share all I can about this exciting new project!

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