Major Edit for 'Mrs. Claus' Complete - 1/23/18

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Finished up what I'd consider the major edit of 'Finding Mrs. Claus' aka 'The Mrs. Claus Affair.'  This go around I focused on fixing the chapter structure of the book.  I don't necessarily like my chapters to be as short as they are on here, so I combined a lot of Wattpad chapters into a real chapter.  This also meant I had to spend quite a bit of time creating proper segues from one Wattpad chapter to another.  Now the book only has like twelve chapters plus the epilogue.  It actually makes the book feel really short, even though the word count is that of a standard novel.

Anyway, now that that is done, I've got a polishing edit to do, which usually is one last read through where I actually read it out loud.  It's amazing how much you can miss if you don't read your work out loud.  It's one of the greatest editing tools I've ever stumbled upon.  After that, though, I'll have gotten as far as I can on my own.  I'll be shipping it off to my beta readers and I won't look at it again until near the end of summer.

There's also one more thing I'm doing in regards to "Finding Mrs. Claus" and really all of my books.   Anyway, I always planned to release the edited version on Amazon, but leave the rough draft on here.  Now, I know for some, they aren't all that bothered by grammar and spelling errors, and something like a rough draft is enough for them.  And really I don't mind if people only want to read the free stories offered here!  But, I do need to make a living and I was trying to figure out what else I could offer as an incentive to buy the book instead of just reading it on here.

So, I eventually figured I'd add an exclusive short story to the kindle edition.  It will be a sort of extended epilogue I suppose.  Just a short glimpse of what everyone is up to some time after the end of the story.  Which means I've added more work on to myself with an already busy schedule.  But, I think it will be worth it so I'm just going to have to suck it up and go for it ;)

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