'Her Christmas Legacy' Polish Complete - 1/23/19

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So I finished the polish draft of Her Christmas Legacy.  Somehow I made my deadline despite the fact I missed two days of work thanks to two high burning fevers in a row.  Had I gotten any hotter I would have had to go to the hospital, but thankfully my body decided to simply hit the max and eventually work its way back down.  I'm still running a low grade fever, but each day I get better so I should be back to 100% soon.

But, yeah, my beta readers were really happy with this book which made the time crunch easier.  To think, I'm done editing it but I won't be publishing it for another two years...  I swear there's rhyme and reason to my schedule!  I hope...

Anyway, speaking of my schedule.  I am behind on announcing the removal of The Dragon Blood Guardian.  I was supposed to do it yesterday, but no biggy.  No one has really read that book, which is fine.  It's mediocre and I'm okay with that.  However, it is actually really nice because that makes it the perfect book to test run my release schedule.  So we'll see how things go with this so I can tweak for my next release.  Right now, really my main concern is relearning how to format for Kindle and getting that all set up on Amazon correctly.  So if I goof, I'm not concerned because I expect readership to be proportional to what it is here on Wattpad.

So I'm looking forward to the learning process!  More on that tomorrow (hopefully) and soon I'll be doing my final polish draft, which will be for Delilah Cross and the Stolen Bride!

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