Updates - 4/22/19

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So just a few updates to some of the stuff I talked about a couple posts ago.

First, personal stuff is resolving, so yay to that.

Second, my nose does in fact need to be fixed.  I have a moderately deviated septum, but they found a spur coming off of my septum.  It's rather large and it isn't at all helping with my severely enlarged glands.  So I will be getting surgery!  Yay!  That was only kind of sarcastic.  Recovery is going to suck big time, but if it means I can get rid of congestion headaches and be able to breathe even just a little bit whenever I get a cold, it will be worth it.  It's scheduled for early August so that shouldn't be getting in the way of things again until the summer.

Finally, the whole maybe me getting a job thing -- well I still may be getting a job.  I have been contracted by this potential employer and will likely be doing ad hoc work until the startup gets a steady clientele base.  This is a job that is important to me.  It taps into another side of myself.  I love writing and I very much want to be a successful writer.  I will not stop writing.  Ever.  However, another big part of me is doing charity work.  The job I'd be getting is for a non-profit that helps organizations better manage themselves so that they can focus on charity rather than devoting all their time to endless paperwork and administrative tasks.  So, that will take priority during the day time whenever I have work, but I'm going to start making writing at night after my son goes to bed, part of my routine.  Posts will likely be later in the day now, but other than that, I don't expect much to change, especially since right now I only have this one contract to do.

So yeah, that's what's going on.  If you celebrate Easter, I hope you had a lovely Easter Sunday!  If you don't, I hope you had a lovely Sunday too :)

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