Birthday - 10/2/19

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It's been awhile. Life's been crazy, but despite my continued struggle to figure out how to balance work, motherhood, and writing, I have been making progress on my edit of 'Wedding Mrs. Claus'

Thankfully it's not as bad as I remember it being. I was ready to do some serious editing, but it's been a lot easier than I thought it would be. Of course this may also have to do with the fact that I'm at a point where it's a hobby so it is what it is, people will buy it or they won't, there's not much I can do about it. Once my son becomes more independent then I can try to write more seriously, but for now I'm writing for the joy of writing and, honestly, I think it's better that way.

So I'm working on how to fit hobby time in with everything else going on but this week in particular is difficult. Today is my birthday and Friday is my son's birthday. So this whole week is just celebratory madness.

Hopefully after this week I can get back to work but then in mid October is my wedding anniversary and we're celebrating with a trip to Vegas, which will slow me down again, although I'm hoping to work on outlining the next book during my five hour flights to get to and from Vegas.

So I'm still alive, I'm still writing. It's just my life changed drastically a few months ago and I'm still working it all out. I am optimistic though that I will figure this out eventually.

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