Shifting Gears - 11/2/16

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So I realize probably no one will read this because I don't have many followers at the moment.  Which is okay, not complaining, I'm new after all.  Just saying this might seem a bit weird to have a blog when there's no one around to read it.  But, I like to think one day this blog will prove useful so might as well start it now.

Anyway, I've decided to suspend Heart of Breydar for a bit, for a couple of reasons.

1) I don't want to get caught in darkness land.

I don't know about anyone else, but I have this terrible problem where things just always take a nose dive into dark and depressing at some point while writing.  That's part of the reason I started doing visual novels.  For some reason in that medium it happens far less with me, while whenever I write novels they just get like super serious and I'm really not that person.  Not that I mind stories having their serious moments, but I don't want to get too deep in a hole that I can't get out of.  So HoB had its moment, it wasn't that bad and I think it was necessary to set up the world, but I want to make sure I don't continue to creep into that darkness since I would like the story to mainly be lighthearted.  However, I think the fact that whenever I write fantasy type stories, it's always end of the world matters that characters are dealing with and that's part of the problem.  So taking a step back should help me recenter and come at it with a light heart.

2) It's the holidays!

I love the holidays.  Like no joke.  I live for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It is my favorite time of year.  So I wanted to write a holiday romance, but I only want to be working on it during the holidays.  Since I'm only writing 1k (though it usually ends up being more around 1.5k) every weekday, if I want at least a novella sized story by the end of the year, I need to start now.  The problem is that I won't be writing on the holidays, so that will eat at my word count too.  Anyway, I'm hoping to start a deliciously cheesy holiday romance starting tomorrow.  I'm still trying to work out the basic plot so I can really just go for this gung-ho, so I'm using today to really kind of brainstorm.

So this should just be a suspension of HoB, but I make no promises.  This is meant to be exercises for me so I'm going to write what I want to write.  However, if you've taken a real interest to the story and want to make sure I continue on it, please comment!  If I know people are interested, I'll definitely try to keep up on it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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