'Finding Mrs. Claus' Polish Done - 10/16/18

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Well, I've finished up editing Finding Mrs. Claus about a week and a half before the deadline I set for myself.  Which is awesome.  It means I'm officially done with editing for the rest of this year and I have ample time to start preparing for Wedding Mrs. Claus which I'll begin posting in November.  First things first though, I'm going to take a small break to take a deep breath and find some zen.  Things have been very hectic in real life and I've been struggling with some medical issues as of recent.  It's nothing major, just having to start a new medication that has had some rough side effects.  However, once my body gets used to the medicine, things will even out and I should be doing better than I ever have before.  Hopefully...

Anyway, part of this break is going to include a lot of reading.  I'm so far behind on the stories I've been trying to keep up with on here as well as books I read outside of Wattpad 😩So I'm going to take some me time to catch up with things and clear out some mental space so I can tackle the next book with enthusiasm!

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