Starting 'Love in his Lie' Edit - 5/21/18

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I finished up 'Crown of the Dragon' last week, along with its short.  I've decided to change the title to 'The Dragon Blood Ransom,'  at least for now that's what it is...who knows what it will be when it actually comes time to publish.  As for the short it's called "The Princess's Shield."  I had intended to name it something else but realized it may give away the ending of the novel and went with this instead.  I preferred my first title, but all my titles suck so it really doesn't matter what I use :P

Now it's time to start my edit on my fifth novel!  Since this book is such a standard romcom with cheesy melodrama (and I love cheesy melodrama so this isn't me like trying to be humble by insulting my book or anything) I might keep the title.  'Love in his Lie'  pretty much tells you this is going to be a standard cheesy romcom so you know, whatever, I might just keep it as is.

That being said, this isn't one of my favorite books from last year, so we'll see how I feel upon edit.  I tend to warm up to my stories after some distance, so it may be better than I think it is.  Either way though, I'm getting so close to done with the edits!  I'm starting to come to the realization I really need to make a site soon and create some sort of proper author page on a social media site.  I mean, I have this here, but I feel like I should still have like a twitter account or something...  I don't know, but I definitely need a site and it should really be up and running before I publish.  I just don't know when I'll have the time to actually do that though...

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