Cover Reveals are Coming! - 9/4/18

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Well August has kicked my ass in more ways than one, so I'm just a wee bit behind on my deadlines.  And by wee bit, I mean a lot.  Like a lot a lot...


But, I do have two, almost three, covers done!  So I'm going to take what I have and do what I can with it.  Starting this Friday, I will do a cover reveal every week.  The reveals will be in order of release with tentative release dates included.  Once those are all revealed, I'll announce my tentative list of upcoming titles in 2019.  So exciting!

As for my deadlines, I'm putting my visual novel on hold until I catch back up.  I don't usually, or maybe even ever, talk about my visual novel on here, but it is something I am still working on.  It isn't a priority though so it will sit on the back burner for a little bit.

In regards to my deadlines around editing, I was supposed to be done all covers by today, but I'll only have half of them done instead.  Which, you know, is unfortunate.  However, these remaining covers are also for books that won't be coming out until 2020, so I've got time.  I'm going to do as I would have if I was on schedule and begin the final polish drafts for my first three upcoming books tomorrow.  When I have time to spare, I'll continue work on the covers.  Then, whenever covers are done, I'll begin work on making an actual website.

Ugh, I'm tired just from writing that out 😩

Oh well, just got to keep on keeping on.  Never give up, never surrender!

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