TDBG Finally Final! - 9/20/18

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I've officially finished all drafting and editing stages for The Dragon Blood Guardian!  I've gone through all of the feedback from my beta readers and have finished up the final final draft (I honestly don't know other people's terminology is, but I consider this a polish draft).  There won't be anymore editing or rewriting at this point!  This sucker is done!

Now initially I intended to also get formatting prepared in advance of publication, but while doing some research into the paperback formatting process, I decided that this may be something that would be better done closer to release.  So I'll have to budget time appropriately for that when I come up with next year's schedule, but I don't think formatting will take that long (famous last words right there)

Anyway, I'm very excited about reaching the end of the line for one of my books and I'm excited about starting work on the next one, which will be A Charitable Scandal.

I've also finished five out of six covers.  The last one I expect will not take much time at all to do, so I'm optimistic that I'll be caught up with those very soon.  And considering that I finished the polish draft for TDBG early even though I was also trying to do cover work, I expect once I get covers out of the way, I'll be able to blow through my deadlines for completing polish drafts.  Which would be great because I still really need to make a website.

So, things are starting to look up in regards to deadlines.  Hopefully I'll be all caught up soon and can head into my next writing year without the burden of uncompleted deadlines!

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