2020 Schedule - 1/3/20

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Happy 2020 all!  My year is off to a mess, how about yours?

Y'all, mergers suck.  Even with six months worth of prep work, the shit just hit the fan the second our merger became official on January 1.  I'm barely keeping my head above the water at my work.  Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it's going to be miserable for another six months most likely.

That being said, the days of being a full time writer are gone and I'm going into 2020 with more realistic expectations.  They may still be way too optimistic, but they're at least closer to realistic than before.

The goal is to finish Reverse Christmas, to write Book 3 of the Delilah Cross series (Delilah Cross and the Blood Moon), and write the sequel to Her Christmas Legacy (tentatively titled Our Christmas Legacy).  If I manage to find a groove and have more time on my hands, I will squeeze a whodunnit mystery in between the Delilah Cross book and the Legacy book.

I'm planning to release a chapter every Tuesday and Thursday (cross your fingers for me), starting with next Tuesday (the next chapter of Reverse Christmas is done and ready for posting!)  I'm trying to write every weekday, but just to give myself some flexibility, I'm not aiming to write and release in the same day anymore.  This will hopefully, however, result in my posting pretty much every week of the year.  So no more long gaps in posts.  Not making promises, just stating the plan here.

So, thank you to those who have been patiently waiting.  You are awesome!  And thank you to all the recent followers I've gained during the Christmas season.  I'm glad to have you here, I hope I can continue to provide books that you'll enjoy!

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