Featured!!!! - 12/8/17

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Omg guys, I don't even have words right now...  I'm just freaking out...  When I saw I had a message in my inbox today, I thought it was just another bit of random news or notice about a contest, but it turns out I got featured!!!!

Right here guys--> https://www.wattpad.com/featured/581550594 <-- Do you see it!!!

'The Mrs. Claus Affair' has been featured in the 'Home for the Holiday' list!!!!

I can't breathe...

There are authors on this list that I'm familiar with and have read their work and they have a ton of views and followers and things and somehow I'm on the same list as them...

I don't know how this happened.  I'm still new to this whole Wattpad thing.  I don't know all the intricacies but it says at the top that the Wattpad team hand-picks their features so dear Wattpad staffer, if you are out there and you stumble across my account again, please know you made this little indie writer so very very happy.  It's the best Christmas present I could ask for.  So thank you!!

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