Prepare Yourself for Nov 1! - 10/29/19

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Two months away from Wattpad feels like an eternity :(  I miss being on here, but since I will be posting a new story soon, I hope to be a bit more active.  I miss you all T-T

Anyway, Nov 1 is going to be quite a day for me.

For one, Finding Mrs. Claus and Her Christmas Legacy will be releasing for both kindle and paperback that day.  Admittedly paperback may be released a day sooner or a day later depending on when Amazon feels like it, but I can actual schedule the kindle release with a concrete date and it will, for sure, be available on Friday.

So I'm really excited for that since I've been sitting on Finding Mrs. Claus  for about two years now.  It's about time it has a chance to be enjoyed outside of Wattpad (given anyone buys it...)

Secondly, my new Christmas rom com will come out this Friday!  I will hopefully be writing the first chapter tonight and I will hopefully have a title figured out between now and Friday...  I hate coming up with titles.  I have an idea for a cover, but since I don't have time to spend working out something nice right now, we'll see what I can put together in the meantime.

So, get pumped for a new book which will follow a popular shoe designer who has lost touch with the craftsmanship of her trade and is instead focused on profits and stock numbers.  She's  forgotten the true meaning of Christmas and it will take a handsome stranger and a magical Christmas calendar to set this Scrooge straight.

So apparently Christmas calendars are popular now with holiday rom coms.  I didn't know that until researching titles and it is what it is.  I just love Christmas calendars (our family will likely have two this year if I can manage some will power) and so I wanted to do something related to a calendar.  But I also wanted to do a romance with a touch of magic this go around.  I haven't delved into that subgenre of holiday romance yet so I felt like it was time to give that a shot.

Anyway, I hope you'll join me for it.  Unfortunately, work is about to be turned upside down (which is also likely to happen on Friday) so I'll probably be writing this story by the seat of my pants, but maybe that will just make it more exciting ;)

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