First Edit of Mrs. Claus Complete - 1/12/18

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Finished my first real edit today!  I'm still going to make two more passes before sending the manuscript off to my beta readers, but since I don't plan on posting anything really story wise on here until November, might as well celebrate the little things.

I did find a few inconsistencies.  Eye colors changing, duplicate names, that sort of things, but Scrivener helped me with that.  Well, being able to take notes in Scrivener helped me.  Though I still need to work out a better note taking system.  What I have right now is a bit of a mess, but hopefully as I go on, I'll get more efficient at keeping an encyclopedia for the story.

Also, while I was going through this edit, I made notes for the sequel!  I always kind of planned to do a sequel for this one and I've always had it kind of developing in the back of my head.  While doing the edit though, I started to have a clearer picture of what I wanted.  So expect a sequel to "The Mrs. Claus Affair" (now going by "Finding Mrs. Claus") November of this year called, "Wedding Mrs. Claus"! ;)

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