'Love in his Lie' Done, Just One Left! - 6-21-18

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I finished up the final draft for feedback of 'Love in his Lie.'  It's now shipped off to my beta readers and that means I only have one more edit left!!

I mean these will obviously get a final final edit after I get the feedback back, but most of the heavy lifting is done at this point (unless one of my beta readers tells me the whole book is awful...)

So next week I'll start work on 'Her Christmas Legacy.'  Once that's complete I'll begin work on making new high res covers with stock photos I've actually purchased so everything is up to code.  After that, things get a little uncertain.  I initially planned out my year expecting I wouldn't be doing any writing whatsoever.  However, now that I've decided to write a new Christmas book every year, I now need to open up my November and December to do that.  So I'll have to figure out what the heck my schedule is going to be after I finish the covers.  Of course, I have no idea how long it's going to take me to actually make decent covers, so that's a bit of a uncertain variable as well.

Still, it's exciting to make it this far!  It's going to hurt reading a Christmas book in the summer though...  Today's the first day of summer and it is easily my least favorite season.  Compound that with reading a book centered around my favorite time of year and I'm just going to be a sad writer 😭

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