Two Left - 8/8/2017

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Despite a rework of my schedule and life being insane, I somehow got my fourth rough draft done.  With "Crown of the Dragon" complete, I've got two more stories to do to meet my goal by the end of the year.  After that, I'll spend the next year editing all of them for release.

Hopefully this next book will go a bit smoother.  We're closing on our new house this Friday and moving into it over the next two weeks before our apartment lease runs out.  Also we'll be putting my son in preschool starting September.  With him there for two days a week and then with his grandparents for another two days, I'll get four days a week to myself to work.  I'm desperate to get back into the swing of things.  I greatly admire women who thrive as stay at home moms, but I didn't get that gene and I know the quality of time I spend with my son will improve significantly once I can be working regularly again.

That being said, this is my brainstorming week and yet again I have no idea what I'm going to do with this next book :D  I know that I want to do another Christmas romcom for the last book and I have some idea of what I want the premise for that to be, but I've got nothing for this book.  I know I want it to be set in modern times, so just a contemporary romcom most likely, but other than that I got nothing...  I also had nothing for the last book, so hopefully I'll pull something out at the last minute again ;)

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