New Story on the Horizon - 5/27/20

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Hi all,

I know it wasn't too long ago that I said I was too busy cleaning up my portfolio to work on fresh stories right now.  However, I suppose that doesn't mean I can't post stories I've already written.

While I continue work on cleaning up Wedding Mrs. Claus, Delilah Cross and the Osiris Order, and Falling for a Memory, I thought I might try converting a visual novel I was working on to Wattpad as an interactive fiction.  I've been curious about trying an interactive novel on Wattpad for awhile now and since I have all this writing done and just sitting in a folder collecting dust, I might as well make the most of it.  Now, given, A Charitable Scandal had very similar origins and I think that novel is one of my weaker stories, however, that was originally a dating sim so the interactivity portion of it was very different from this story.  Perhaps that's me just trying to convince myself that this will totally work this time or maybe it's an honest observation, I suppose only time will tell...

Anyway, the story is The All Hallow's Eve Rebellion.  I wish I had a better title.  My husband says it sounds fine, but I'm not happy with it.  However, I've been sitting on this story for years and I can't come up with anything better, so it is what it is.  That being said, I hope the story will be out soon!  Which given my pace recently, might be in like a month...but here's hoping for sooner!

I will also be updating Wedding Mrs. Claus on here soon.  I'm considering pursuing the whole Paid Story feature here on Wattpad for it.  I'm not exactly sure how that works, but I think I'm ready to give the process a try!

As for when sparkling new content will make it back to my Wattpad, I'm hoping to start Delilah Cross and the Blood Moon in the late summer so that it ends in time for Halloween because who doesn't love a good paranormal mystery around Halloween.

So those are my plans.  Perhaps I'm foolish to make plans in a time when the world is so full of change and uncertainty, but I miss you all so much and I need this part of my life back.  So wish me luck and I hope I see you again soon with the first chapters of The All Hallow's Eve Rebellion!

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