'Her Christmas Legacy' Major Edit - 7/24/18

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The major edit for 'Her Christmas Legacy' is complete!  Just got to do the final read through and then it's off to the beta readers!  I should note that I've also been doing some updating to the version here on Wattpad.  It's not the final version of the book, but when ever I found spelling and grammar errors I came in here and updated it for the Wattys.  However, I didn't include some larger, conceptual edits, mainly due to the difficulty of working between the copy on here and the copy I'm editing in Scrivener.  It seemed to easy to miss a change in one and not the other so I worried I might add an element partially to the Wattpad version but miss adding other points pertaining to that new element.

Not sure that makes sense...  But, in short, I worried I wouldn't perfectly mirror the drafts and there would be a gaping break in continuity on here because of it.

Not to say I made like huge, earth shattering changes, but like I messed around with some years listed on diary entries and ages of some of the characters since I didn't think the timeline quite worked, but if I decided to carry that change over to the Wattpad version and forgot to change one of the dates, an eagle eyed judge might notice the inconsistency and chalk it up to laziness.  It's unlikely but I'm paranoid and I want to do well 😭

I also completed the short for this book.  It's called "Down the Aisle" and it's actually from a different POV!  The narrator for the short is from a character who I wanted to give more love in the original book, but just couldn't work them in logistically.  However, I think this character will play a big part in future books so they got to stand in the spotlight in the short in preparation for that.  Now who that character actually is will be a surprise.  Any guesses? 😉

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