Editing Update - 10/7/19

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Well I survived all the birthday madness.  My diet isn't looking great...I've consumed more sugar in the past week than I probably have in the past few months.  I'm so ashamed of myself right now...

Anyway, enough of self-loathing, as for my work on Wedding Mrs. Claus, I completed my first revision of it and I'm doing another quick read through before sending it to my editors.  Hopefully it will be in their hands by the end of the month.

On another note, today I will begin formatting Her Christmas Legacy  and Finding Mrs. Claus for release on Amazon.  I'm hoping to have them up on Amazon before the end of the month, but I probably won't officially release them until early November, just so I catch people post Halloween, when they might be in a more Christmasy mood.

So things are progressing, though it's not apparent on here.  I'll be more active come November when I start posting my new Christmas book ;)

And on a completely unrelated note, I'm feeling particularly happy right now because I just learned yesterday that my brother and his wife are expecting their first child which is due at the end of March!  I'm already an aunt through my husband's brother, but this will be my first blood related niece or nephew.  I'm just over the moon about having a new little baby in my life.  I'm going to dote on it and shower it with love, and then happily hand the baby back to my brother when it starts crying...  The joys of aunthood!

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