"Delilah Cross" Major Edit Complete - 4/3/18

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I finished up my second edit of "Delilah Cross and the Stolen Bride."  All of the major edits for this story should be done now and the next edit will be reading it out loud to catch awkward phrasing.  I also finished up the short for DCatSB.  I'm actually really happy with it and I'm glad I decided to do the short from a different character's perspective.

The short is called "Hippocratic Oath" and is told from Gregory's perspective.  This is the first time I've written from a male POV in years, probably about 5 years in fact.  It follows almost immediately after the epilogue of DCatSB.  His story is one that I'm also really interested in telling and I suspect all Delilah Cross novels to follow will have a short  telling a piece of his story.  Of course, knowing that I'm someone who has always fallen head over heels in love with side characters instead of main characters, there may be more characters that I'll want to expand upon in the Whisper Valley universe.  But, that's next book's problem.

I'm also wrapping up a few other things today, including a big milestone for my visual novel project (whose story line is in the same vein as Delilah Cross's).  I'm just trying to get a lot of things done because tomorrow I go on vacation!  My son is on spring break this week and so we're doing a mini vacation starting tomorrow.  We have a few big vacations planned over the next couple years including a trip to Japan (we have family over there) and a trip to Disney World.  So we need to save our money for those.  Instead of traveling this year, we're going to do a staycation and hit some fun museums and attractions locally.  We live near a big city and we have tons of great attractions within a 30 minute drive, if that.  So we figured it was a good time to make use of that.

Anyway, that's it for now.  This last edit won't take too long, then after that, it's time to start on "Crown of the Dragon"!

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