"Crown of the Dragon" Major Edit Complete - 5/8/18

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I finished "Crown of the Dragon"'s major edit today with three days to spare.  Most of this edit was spent trying to plug up plot holes...oh so many plot holes.  I'm not sure I got them all and if I did, I'm not sure if there's anything other than exposition in the book now...  But it is what it is.  Definitely not my best work, but I've worked hard on it so I'm not just going to throw it away.

Since I'm three days ahead of schedule, I'm going to use the rest of this week to write a short story for this book.  The problem is that I have a pretty good idea of what I would do for a sequel should I do one and the events from that book would happen rather quickly after the events of this one.  As a result I have no epilogue for this book as the short story really is going to cover the very short period of time between the two books.

And I know that I will likely not do a sequel, but I'm going to be pretty pissed with myself down the road if I eventually change my mind and ruined what I think could be a fun story.  So hopefully I can figure out how best to make a mini-adventure for Adelaide because I'm dedicated to following through with this short story plan and I'm not going to give up now when I've been pretty pleased with the previous stories that have come out of this.

Also, I'm getting closer to a better title for this book.  The current title was determined before I had a clear picture of the story and it's not particularly relevant anymore.  All I know right now though is that I want the title to be some combination of some of these words: ransom, blood, dragon, and heir.  Somehow I'll jumble some of those words together into a title that hasn't been done before (when it comes to blood, dragon and heir that's kind of impossible to do because they've all been done before).

So, next week is the last edit for this before I ship it off for feedback and then I'm back to the romcoms with "Love in his Lie"!

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