Respite - 6/13/17

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My momentum on writing these drafts has taken quite a blow :P  My last blog post was about how I hoped things would get back into routine after selling the house, but shortly after that post my computer died.  It took a week to get a new computer and get things into a state where I could work again.  Not long after that was my brother's wedding and a good five days was dedicated to celebrating with him and hanging out with family that I rarely get to see.

So even though I've posted every now and then over the past few weeks, I still have not found a routine...  But, with my brother's wedding done, the only big things we have left this year is taking a nice week long vacation in July and then buying our new house.

The vacation is one I take every year and it has traditionally been a time where I get a good deal of writing done so hopefully that will help.  And we won't be working on house hunting until after we get back from that.  So for now I have a bit of a respite from all this madness and maybe I can try to get a routine going.  Maybe...

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