Year in Review - 12/31/18

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2018 is coming to an end and what a year it has been.

I've done a ton of editing and somehow managed to finish another book.  Not just any book either, but a sequel!  I still feel like it suffered from the stress I felt around completing a sequel, but that's what editing is for.  I survived and the book was finished and that's what's important 🙂

Also, Wedding Mrs. Claus is making for a good start to another year of writing.  It got more views in its first two months than Finding Mrs. Claus got in its first year.  So if you were a part of making that happen, thank you!  I know that my Christmas books are kind of my bread and butter so I can't expect numbers as good as this for the release of my other books, but it's still reassuring.

Also this year, I went to Wattcon and had my first pitch interview.  This was a really big step forward for me.  I've struggled a lot with admitting to people that I write and that this is what I want to do with my life.  By going to a conference, and spending the money to do so, I kind of announced that this is important to me.  I told a lot of people about it in my personal life and I was met with a lot of support and enthusiasm.  It's been very heartwarming to find so many people around me who are accepting of what I do and are supportive of my efforts.

That being said, 2019 is going to be an exciting year!  I'm starting my loop over again, so now I will be going back into a writing spree (though the first couple of months will be dedicated to editing).  Not only that, but I will publish my first book on Amazon since 2013.  Not just one book either, but three total!  This is so thrilling and I'm just shaking with excitement from what the future holds.

I can't wait to write the books I have planned for Wattpad and I'm eager to publish my first book, The Dragon Blood Guardian, in March.  I have more in store for 2019 as well, but I'll save that for later.  For now I want to thank everyone who has hung out with me in 2018, I hope to see you again in 2019!  Happy New Year to you, may it bring you good health and abundant happiness!

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