A Difficult Christmas - 12/17/17

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I don't know where exactly to start with this. 2017 has been both a wonderful and terrible year. My family has been hit really hard this year. I think I mentioned at some point on here that my uncle died unexpectedly in May, however I'm not sure I mentioned that my grandfather passed in September. He'd been struggling for years, it was painful but at least we knew he was finally at peace.

After this we were ready to rebuild and regroup. I thought things were turning for me. We are settled in a wonderful home in a welcoming community. I got that feature on one of my stories and I'm so close to finishing my goal of six books by the end of this year.  They say however death comes in threes.

Today another one of my uncles passed away. Again this was a sudden tragic death. My father has lost both his brothers and his dad in the span of about 6 months. I will likely be heading out of state this week for the funeral and as a result the release of "Her Christmas Legacy" posts may be put on hold. However I still intend to have it all released before Christmas, I just may release several chapters in one day.

It's going to be a very difficult Christmas for my family. Make sure to hug your loved ones extra tight this year. You never know when it may be your last Christmas together.

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