'A Charitable Scandal' FINALLY out Everywhere - 8/3/19

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So A Charitable Scandal has been out for purchase for over a month, but it took me forever to get the edited version up on to Wattpad.  For being a fluffy romcom, it was a lengthy book, weighing in at over 80k words.

But, I have finally -- FINALLY -- finished uploading it on to here.  While I did that, I realized that I never had the epilogue up here.  I forgot that I decided to make an epilogue when I edited the rough and never got around to adding it on Wattpad.  So now there's a new chapter for you to read if you're interested!  Also, a good chunk of the book has been changed.  Characters have been removed, some have been combined, things have been tightened, etc.  The core of the story is the same, but some of the circumstances and the beginning of the book, have changed quite a bit.

So is it worth another read if you've already read it?  Meh, probably not, the plot is the same even if some of the details have been altered.  However, I do recommend at least giving the epilogue a read because that is brand new!

Also, if you want to support me by purchasing the book, you get an exclusive extended epilogue called "Rules for Survival," that follows Lex and Alec on a romantic weekend up at his cabin in the woods.  Lex has plans for the perfect birthday present for him, but things go awry once she gets terribly lost...

ePub and PDF version: sylviangould.com/store/a-charitable-scandal-epub-amp-pdf

Kindle version: amazon.com/dp/B07THGHVGT/

Paperback version: amazon.com/dp/1076027660/

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