'Love in his Lie' Available Everywhere - 6/21/19

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It's been another long stretch since I last wrote on here.  The training wheels are off at my job now and I've pretty much settled in (I had gone in on a few of my off days to organize and decorate my office).  So I should be regaining my Mondays and Fridays soon.  I have gained a secondary client along with my primary client, so I'll still be doing some work on Mondays and Fridays but after I design a website for them, the weekly maintenance I do will be minimal.  Unless I get more secondary clients...  We'll see, I can't predict the future, but for now I have Mondays and Fridays to keep working on writing stuff and if I lose those eventually then I will become a night writer.

That being said, despite all the work I've been doing recently, I have been busy releasing Love in his Lie!  It is now available on my site as an EPUB and PDF as well as on Amazon for Kindle and paperback.  I've also updated the novel on here with the edited version.  Not much has changed, mainly grammar, spelling, and clarity.  My next release though, there will be MAJOR changes.  I'll be working on A Charitable Scandal and I'd say a good third of the book was changed.  So you may want to give it another read once I get the edits on here ;)

So, the goal is to get A Charitable Scandal available for purchase before July, I may or may not get the edits on Wattpad before I go on vacation (I'll be away the first week of July).  While I'm on vacation though, I'll be busy drafting Falling for a Memory, which I will start posting once I get back.  I'm really looking forward to writing it!  For now though, here's the links to purchase Love in his Lie!

ebook $.99: sylviangould.com/store

Kindle $.99: amazon.com/dp/B07SD2WVP4/

Paperback $9.99: amazon.com/dp/1070543543

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