'Crown of the Dragons' First Edit Done - 4/26/18

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Finished the first edit of 'Crown of the Dragons' today. 

It's okay...

I mean this was an experiment, written during a not so great time for me.  We were moving out of our house, my computer stopped working, and my uncle passed away.  So, the writing took a bit of a hit and I think it shows.

Still, it's hard to tell how bad of a shape it's in in the first edit.  I spend a lot of time in the first edit just taking continuity notes and cleaning up bad grammar and phrasing.  My reading is constantly interrupted while I'm doing that so it's hard to see it as a cohesive piece.  So we'll see how I feel after the next edit.

One way or another, I'm proud of myself for giving it a try though, and who knows, maybe I'll make a sequel.  I left the door open for me to do that if I decided it was worth the effort, but hopefully it also has a tidy enough ending to not need a sequel if I decide to just let it slip away into obscurity.  I can say though, I have absolutely no intention to do a sequel for it next year.  I already have a fairly solid idea of all six drafts for next year and there's no room for a sequel to this book one way or another.  We'll see how I feel come 2021, which is, frighteningly enough, not that far into the future.

Ugh, I've gotten old...

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