Another One Bites the Dust! - 3/7/17

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Well I finished another rough draft within two months!  I know that this speed writing doesn't exactly produce the best work, but it is really helping me overcome my hang ups with writing rough drafts.  I know that these drafts are going to get butchered and sewn back together in edit, but for now, they are what they are - raw and wild!

Anyway with The Business of Love and Lies done, it's time I set my sights on my next novel.  I'm looking to return to speculative fiction for a bit.  I'm going to try my darndest to not get too dark which has always been my problem in the past whenever I add a fanciful element to my work.  But, I love speculative fiction so I really need to overcome this.

So the next book is specifically looking like paranormal/supernatural fiction.  It's going to have vampires, werewolves, zombies, and all that fun stuff.  I've been wanting to write this particular story for awhile but I only really had a setting/universe for it, not really a proper plot.  I think I've worked out a story to actually play out in this world now.  I'm going to outline today.  Hopefully I'll have something that emerges from that because I'm hoping to start posting next week!

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