Fixing Musa's Flaw of Miscommunication and Passive Agressive Character Attitude

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Aisha, Bloom and Flora tried everything so far with Stella who is almost not as nearly as passive aggressive as Musa was in Season 2 & 3 but she didn't let it go to her head.
If I recall Musa and Stella used to argue why has that suddenly gone away so much?
I mean Stella actually pointing out some of Musa's flaws earlier could have given great reality check conflict to her and Musa's relationship instead of it being a constant talk about Musa refusing to talk about the boy on her mind.
Or you can continue with what Season 6 Tecna did and say she's too hooked on her music career to care about other people's needs and interest and Tecna was right in that episode and though she was being cold it was nothing but the truth after all.

Both the girls have a very capable attitude and could be real friends to someone if they could spill the truth to someone who won't wake out of their idealistic world. Before Riven can be her boyfriend again, Musa needs a desperate reality check, stop letting her music career go to her head, and third thing actually waking up from idealistic world of unreal expectations that are setting the bar way too high!
Tecna's always been a good friend always willing to be the best friend and state her mind despite even what Bloom thinks or says, I'm glad Season 6 brought that Tecna back even just for an episode it made her my top favorite character of the show right beside Aisha.

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