Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P5

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Please do not copy the diary entries. They belong to the author, I would not be sharing any of them if I did not purposefully comment and respond to almost every other sentence. And FYI STARTING AT P9 of the annotation the book is not for the age group below high-school as there are really dark stuff coming up. Unless you use it as a model to write your own example of annotation or a challenging writing prompt to follow NEVER COPY IT EVER. I will never put this book in stores or on another website either. This is a solo Wattpad story only and only exists for the convenience of those who wish to catch onto several writing skills and practiced them, Skylights, when they have no resources to use and accessibly provide themselves off line. I don't want any money for it and I don't want popularity for it. It is just a simple gift to less fortunate than me and to me them being able to read this is satisfying enough. It is enough for me that readers will want to read it.

You, however,  may quote whatever annotations I have stated that you find make a very good lesson and point I will allow that. I quote people all the time. And I will be listing several quotes from the story in these chapters to come up later because they are really good to quote, my friends.

9th Diary entry annotated
Next day
Even though we don't live but a short walk from each other, Wook and Missy and I don't get to visit much durin' the week — just on Saturday nights and Sunday. (31 words within the last sentence) I got to'fess, I likes Wook better than Missy. (10 words in the earlier sentence) Missy always pushed and hit us when she was young. (10 words makes up the former sentence) Now that she's a big girl, she push and hit with words. (12 words made up the previous sentence)(Some bullies do change strategies of making others feel inferior to them as they grow up.) Just yesterday she come sayin' I thought I was somebody 'cause I work in the Big House. (17 words within the past sentence) Aggie and Wook and Missy work in the fields, hunched over all day in the hot sun. (16 words in the former sentence) Aunt Tee say that's enough to make a body mean. (10 words within the former sentence) (Sun Sickness is not a fake thing over exposure to the sun can damage skin causing other things to happen such as dehydration, nausea, dizziness, chills and headaches being way more common than blisters or vomiting.)

10 Diary entry annotated below

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10 Diary entry annotated below.
Fear of another frost is over, and the moon is full. (11 words within the sentence)
Aunt Tee said it was time to plant the house garden behind the kitchen. (14 words within the sentence) The family will eat out of it all summer and well into fall. (13 words within the sentence) Put in greens, goobers, cabbage, okra — all we could plant on that one spot.
Takin' care of the house garden is one job I don't mind doin'. (14 words within the sentence)
It's fun workin' with the plants, watchin' them grow and make food. (12 words within the last sentence. Betcha she's sighing finally an easy task taking care of a garden of veggies and other greens.)

11th Diary Entry Annotated down below
Next night
It stormed earlier tonight. (4 words within the last sentence) Flashes of lightning' lit up the attic room. (8 words within sentence, It is so hard to sleep when lightning flashes outside your window it is no different to the moon making your bedroom at night look like it went through silver daylight, Skylights. These are the nights went I can't sleep well are absolutely guaranteed.) I try not to be scared. (6 words within the last sentence) Lord, I miss Mama. (4 words within the last sentence) When I was little and it would storm, me and Mama would hug up close and I wouldn't be so scared. (21 words within the last sentence. Thunderstorms with lightning strikes are quite alarming if you don't expect them and their dramatic display and are particularly off to yourself as well.)
The rain has finally stopped, but it's still hot, and muggy — cain't sleep. (13 words within the last sentence) Besides, I woke up dreaming' 'bout Mama again. (8 words within the last sentence. Oh, ouch! Biting Nightmare time, besties. Brace yourself; you've all been warned!) I slipped quiet-like out of the kitchen, careful not to wake nobody, so I could come write. (17 words within the last sentence)
I am here at the live oak, my spot. (9 words within the last sentence) Here I can let my tears drop like the rain and tell the moon 'bout my sadness. (17 words within the last sentence) Writing' 'bout my dreams helps the hurt go away. (9 words within the last sentence, and writing down negative thoughts and things you need to ignore does help them get slowly flushed away. I rant here in some books so that one I get all my anger out, two don't accidentally take it all out on the family members I live with everyday at the current time everybody's strict and oversensitive.)

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