Chapter 90: Father, mother and lies

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We are driving home from the match. It was fun and I am happy, that Arisa enjoyed it too... regardless of what happened.

While periodically checking the rear-view mirror, I noticed one car following us already for quite a long distance.

„It seems, that someone is following us."

When the car got closer, I finally realized who it is.

„It might be that zombie again! I recognize his car."

(I will try to shake them off)

But sudden loud sound chased away all my thoughts. A white truck knocked them down and they stopped off the road. A chill ran down my spine and I immediately hit the brake.

(What happened?! Are they dead?)

Just a few moments ago I wouldn't mind him being dead, but now the situation changed... he is still my father and I should check whether he is alright. When I got out, Arisa was following me and we both watched the scene.

My father's car lay on its roof outside the road and that white truck stood not too far from it.

„Arisa, call the emergency!"

I had no time to do that myself. I needed to know what happened...

(Ahh... that white truck... it looks familiar... just as that one, which hit Arisa's bike and also that one, which struck a car when I was driving home from Shimura's case. All of them looked similar. Are these small trucks so popular in Japan nowadays? It might be interesting to check some statistics. I need to remember its white plate number... 400... 45... so it's from Tokyo and private.)

I hurried toward the car of my father. All of sudden the white truck started its engine and ran away.

(I need to remember its number... mmm... what was it?)

I got to the car and noticed two people inside... my father on the rear seat and a driver. They looked to be covered in blood, but still alive.

„Don't worry, help is coming soon!"

That was all I was able to say. Before I could do anything else, an ambulance arrived at the scene.

„Where are you taking them?", I asked when the rescuers moved them to their car.

Tokyo University Hospital."

„Will they be alright?"

They both are stabilized, but some surgery might be necessary."


They drove away and I returned to Arisa.

Arisa suggested to visit them in the hospital and I agreed. But before we could set off, a police car arrived and they started to ask.

We were called to check an accident, so what happened here and where is everyone? Were you two the victims... or witnesses?"

„My father's car got hit by a white truck and..."

I see. And where is that car of your father? Don't say me, that it was sent into another world?"

Both policemen slightly giggled.

„I have no mood for jokes now. If you can't be serious then let us go."

Ah... sure... sorry. So, where is that car?"

„Over there!", I pointed at it.

Oh, I see. It was not visible from my angle before. So, did you see the plate number of that truck?"

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