Break me (Final part)

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I accidentally posted this in the wrong fanfic, I am still bad with using Wattpad, sorry about that!


The feelings that twisted in Jungkook's chest as he looked down at the gravestone were hard to describe. Over five years had passed, and he still didn't quite know how to process them.

The words 'Kim Namjoon, served, protected and defended those who could not defend themselves, even at the cost of his own life. Always missed, but never forgotten,' together with the dates of his death, stood stark on the white marble slab.

Of course, the dates were just the dates he disappeared, but still.

His heart was beating double time in his chest as he bent down, leaving a small bouquet of flowers. Namjoon, being Namjoon, couldn't make it easy when it came to his favourite flowers. Every time he came here, Jungkook mourned that wisteria bouquets just weren't a thing. Instead, he had a wisteria tree planted at the grave plot.

It would be many years before it was fully grown, but this year was the first one that it was carrying flowers. The purple buds were much smaller than the fully grown ones, but they were still beautiful.

As he cupped one of them, a little smile grew on his lips. Wisteria was meant to be a flower of love, youth, and perseverance. There were no flowers that, in Jungkook's mind, would ever better describe his Namjoon.

Namjoon was so strong and brave, so full of love for a world that didn't deserve it. He was so full of perseverance up until the last possible moment. They had never deserved Namjoon, the world that is, and Jungkook knew that. They all knew that.

The bouquet that he had placed at the gravestone was a beautiful one filled with white gardenias, the same type he had put there every year since the incident. Other flowers were already present for the anniversary, but slowly, each year, fewer and fewer of them were showing up.

It was like the world was forgetting about Namjoon, moving on and leaving him behind. Jungkook would never be able to do that, and he sort of hated the world for it. Namjoon wasn't just somebody you could forget, somebody you could leave behind, and the fact that people were doing it was just... disgusting and unacceptable.

He knelt down, placing two fingers onto the letters of Namjoon's name, giving them a soft caress of a lover. "Hello, sorry I haven't been here in a while, things have been crazy. You wouldn't believe what has been happening." Although there was nobody else in the graveyard, Jungkook still kept his voice soft and careful, not willing to risk anybody hearing him as he had this conversation with his beloved. "Five years, it still feels like yesterday. Things are changing, for the better as well; the last of the rotten cops are finally gone. God, Namjoon, I can't believe you have me hunting down bad cops. You do know that I am making my own job harder, right? I think I almost killed Taehyung when informing him of what we were doing, and when I say killed, I mean he almost choked on his own tongue laughing so hard. I don't think my ego will ever recover." It was so easy to talk to Namjoon, even in this form.

Over the last few years, Jungkook had made it a habit to come here and talk. He would tell Namjoon about what had happened in the last few months, what was still going on, and how much he missed him. He'd say that Namjoon's absence had left a real hole in his life that he wasn't sure would ever be filled again.

"The wisterias are blossoming. I see why you had them as your favourites; they are truly beautiful, just like you." A little smile spread on his lips, still remembering that night they shared together like it was yesterday. Namjoon had been so beautiful. "They aren't quite at their max yet, but I am sure they will be in a few years. You are giving the world something beautiful to look at when they visit here. I am sure they feel relieved when they see the beauty, knowing that people they care about rest in a place like this."

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