The Walking Dead 4x22

248 7 1

June 14, 2011

In the morning, I quickly got ready and was planning on going to the hospital for the check up, I arranged with Meredith yesterday. Rebekah already left earlier and I thought I was alone until I saw Jenna. When I told her where I was going, she insisted on going with me.

When the two of us arrived at the hospital, we quickly found Meredith and she led us to a room where she can perform a check up. Thankfully I explained the pregnancy to her yesterday over the phone, so I didn't have to explain it now.

After saying our hello's with Meredith, she told me to lie down so she can perform the ultrasound.

"Okay, so you're about 9 weeks along. Everything seems fine. The baby is good, oh wait." Meredith says.

"Is everything ok with the baby?" I ask worried.

"Everything is fine with the baby. But congratulation, you're having twins." Meredith says and I don't know what to say or think, but one thing does come to my mind. Right now I am extremely grateful, Josie and I are related through her mom and not her father.

"Congratulation." Jenna tells me.

"Thanks." I tell Jenna, then turn to "Twins? Are you sure?" She nods and pints at the screen.

"Yes, here's baby number one and here's baby number two."


After the check up, Jenna went to work while I decided to go join Rebekah at Mystic Grill.

"Is it supposed to rain tonight?" Caroline asks as Rebekah, Matt, her and I are making graduation invites.

"Do we look like meteorologists," Rebekah asks. I turn my attention and focus on Elena who is playing darts, extremely aggressively might I add.

"Someone needs to do something, before she explodes." Caroline say.

"I got this," She gets up and walks over with liquor and shot cups. I watch from afar as Bex fails and Care decides to go over to them.

I was texting Josie and telling her I am having twins, just now also realizing I still haven't told Bex I'm having twins. Suddenly, the lights go out. I walk towards Elena, Bekah and Care. "Guys, what happened?" I ask.

"I don't know." Caroline tells me. We go outside to see what's happening, outside the wind is so strong it's blowing debris through the air and the sounds of heavy objects falling and breaking are heard nearby. People start leaving the grill, running for cover.

"The power's completely out." Bex shouts over the wind.

"I'll call my mom - maybe she knows what's going on." Care shouts.


Rebekah and I were lighting candles, when Matt comes back inside the grill. "This wind is weird. One minute it was blowing like a hurricane, now nothing, not even a breeze." Matt tells us nad I can't help but agree with him the wind does seem unnatural, or better yet supernatural.

"Looks like something wicked finally came."Bex says.

"There's always something wicked, it Mystic Falls." I say and they both nod in agreement with my words.

"You know, you both don't have to be here." Matt tells us. "I mean, technically only one of us is getting paid."

"But it's fun. And kind of cozy, with the storm outside, and the candlelight...and us." Bekah says to Matt and I can't help but feel like I'm third wheeling them and should probably leave them alone. But before I can leave them alone, I hear door opening. Through the door walks the person I never thought I would see again. Kol Mikaelson. "Oh, my god. Kol." Bekah says in shock.

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