Hormones Cravings and Restless Nights

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Peta was sitting on the swing on the back porch. Sophie and Kelly had just left after spending the day with her. Maks and Val had had to go to New York for the weekend to take care of a few things for the studios back home as well as take care of a few other things. They were due back in the next hour or so.

While things had settled so much in the past few years since they had gotten back together there were still occasional weekends that the two had to spend apart to take care of duties, whether it be life, business, or family related. They attempted to make sure it was never more than a few days just to save themselves the stress of being apart.

Normally Peta was fine with this, but now as she was sitting alone on the swing she got super pissed off. Val hadn't left Kelly alone at all when she had been pregnant, Maks had handled all the business travel and let him stay with Kelly. While now when it was their turn, he had went and left her behind. The more she let it spin in her mind, the angrier she got and the more upset she got. She was stilling sitting on the swing fuming when she heard the sliding door open and turned to see her husband walking toward her.

"Hey you, I missed you." He said bending down to kiss her. She pulled away quickly, moving to stand in front of him with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, I'll bet you did. I'm sure you had a great time in the city without me." She said angrily at him.

"P? What are you talking about?" Maks said looking at her confused as all hell. He wasn't sure what was going on here.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." She growled at him. Maks's eyes opened wide, she very rarely swore, not unless she was super angry or super drunk. Clearly it was not the second option.

"No, could you please enlighten me? Cause I'm lost here." He said trying not to let his anger creep up and take over him.

"Of course you are, you want to play the dumb card so you get out of whatever it is you did." She shook her head at him.

"No, babe, I honestly don't have any clue what you're talking about." He said starting to get exasperated, he moved closer to her but she backed away again.

"Well then let me help you. But first, don't babe me in the middle of this like it's gonna make it all better. Everytime you and Val had to travel to the city when Kelly was pregnant you made him stay here. Then you went and handled everything. Now it happens when we're pregnant and you just up and leave like you can't wait to get out of here. I'm sure you wanted to run away from all this, my morning sickness and all your responsibilities that come with Baby."

"Peta, I don't know what you're talking about right now. I told you I'd stay home if you wanted me here. You were the one who told me to go and spend time with my brother and you and Kel and Sophie would have a girls weekend. I don't understand why you're angry right now!" He said his voice slightly getting elevated. He had just been excited to come home and see her and now this was happening.

"Of course you don't. Can you just go away right now? I just don't want to deal with this anymore." She said walking out into the yard, turning her back to him.

"Fine, if that's what you want. I'm gonna go see Kelly and Sophie and see how they are. I'll be back in an hour or so unless you don't want me to come back." He said not really sure what she wanted right now.

"Do what you want Maks, clearly that's how you roll anyways. Just go." Before he could say anything he didn't mean he turned around and left. He headed to grab his keys so he could go see his brother and wife. He fell into the seat of his car and rested his head on the steering wheel. What in the world just happened in there?

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