**NEW** Ahhhh! Wait, We Got This!

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Addie - Age - 2 weeks

Addie had been home from the hospital for two weeks now. Suzanne had stayed through those two weeks but now it was time for her to head home. Maks had tried to find someone else to take her to the airport but unfortunately everyone had something to do, so he was taking her back. This meant Peta was going to be alone with Addie for the first time. Needless to say they were both nervous about this experience.

"You're going to be good." Maks said as Peta leaned into his body. He was leaning against the counter while they gave Suzanne some last minute moments with Addie. She was feeding her and attempting to put her down for her nap.

"What if she does that crying thing that we can never figure out?" Peta said nervously. Every since they had brought her home, there had been a few times where Addie would have a breakdown that was horrific. She would scream and cry at the top of her lungs for at least 30 minutes straight. Neither, Maks nor Peta could ever figure out what was wrong with their baby girl. They tried changing her, feeding her, walking her, cuddling her, taking her outside, rocking her, everything and nothing seemed to work. And then she'd just magically stop. However, those moments where she was having that meltdown, it was the worst thing ever for Maks and Peta.

"Just remember that it's not you. And stay calm. We've both at least learned that getting worked up doesn't help her. So just do what we always do. Try all the things and then just cuddle her. It hasn't happened since the first week so maybe it won't happen anymore."

"I hope." She mumbled as she snuggled into him. "You guys need to go."

"Yeah, 5 minutes, I don't think your mum is quite ready yet." Maks said. Suzanne appeared then holding a sleeping Addie.

"She's out." She whispered carrying an empty bottle.

"You have everything ready?" Maks asked her as he went to take Addie so Peta and Suzanne could say goodbye.

"Yup, you took my suitcases and everything else is in my carry-on."

"Okay, babe, you want her in the swing?"

"Yes please handsome, set it on low and I'll go in there in a minute." Peta said as she moved over to her mum. Maks nodded and headed out.

"Come here sweetheart." Suzanne said pulling her daughter into her.

"I'm not ready for you to leave."

"I'm not ready to go either baby. However, you're going to be amazing. You already are. That little girl loves you to pieces. Just remember, don't doubt yourself. You know what you're doing. There's going to be moments where it feels like everything is falling to pieces, but I promise it will pass. Everything is a phase, and nothing lasts forever. So cherish each and every moment and don't worry too much. Also, stick to the basics, no matter what those will always come back into play. 9 times out of 10 the answer is something simple. I love you baby and I'll see you soon."

"Thank you mum. I love you too." Peta said as she clung to her mother for a moment. They eventually pulled apart and Maks appeared again.

"Alright pretty girl, I'll be back as soon as I can. Text me if you need me. I love you." Maks said hugging his wife before leading Suzanne out the door.

The next hour was pretty simple. Peta let herself be moody and miserable with her mother leaving as Addie slept peacefully in her swing. She woke up eventually and Peta changed her and then took her outside for a bit to play some. Then it was bottle time and soon Maks was home.

"How'd it go?" Maks said as he snuggled Addie up after coming in the house.

"Perfect. She slept, we played, and she just finished eating."

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